How To Remove Bad Sector ??

How To Remove Bad Sector ??

Bad sector is a great problem for any Pc And Laptop.I want to tall the tips.
Do have any bad sector on your Hard Drive , so I think ,may be your computer going to crass. So quickly remove bad sector from your computer.
So dear ,
Please follow my step.

 First step >>>>>

1)    At first open your computer in Explore mode. Or press Windows key+E.
2)    Press right batton on a Drive/partition, Such as C: Drive.
3)    Click on “tools” batton.
4)    Please Click on “Cheek Now” box .
5)    Please select  on “Automatically fix file system errors"

6)    And Press “Enter”

Please wait for “complete Dialogs Box”
After finishing the first step >>>>>>>>>>>

So follow  on Second step>>>>>>>

7)    Second Step>>>> open your computer in Explore mode. Or press Windows key+E.
8)    Press right batton on a Drive, Such as C: Drive.
9)    Click on “tools” batton.
10)                  Please Click on “Cheek Now” Batton.
11)                  Please click on “Scan for attempt recovery of bad sector"

12)                  And Press “Enter”

Please wait for “complete Dialogs Box”

The step complete automatically. But this step need too long time to complete.
Please complete steps on your all Hard Drive / Partitions.
When complete all step , please “Restart” your computer.
Look now >>>>>
          Now your computer work very fast.

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